Well this is the book were all my secrets are!
Recipes that is!
I started pickling about 20 years ago and believe me I don't feel near old enough to have been pickling for 20 years...really!
And that being said I had my first catastrophe this year.....22 bottle of my dill's (the most asked for pickle among my friends and family) spoiled and I don't know why, I has never happened to me before. So I am sorry to say that my family who generally each get a case of pickles at Christmas, won't be getting a full case.....and I am so sorry....you will also be getting a small store bought gift....there is always next year....you still get a couple of bottles.
Kelli's Dills
1. Prepare the brine:
1 cup pickling salt
40 oz vinegar
100 oz water
Heat until salt dissolves just before the boiling point.
2. Put into each sterilized Jar's
2 large cloves of garlic
1 branch of dill weed including flower
1 tbsp of pickling spice
Fill Jar with baby cucumbers
Fill jar with brine leaving 1/2 inch of space at the top empty
Seal jars and boil for 10 minutes in large pickling pot.
Ready in about 6 weeks, but the longer they sit the better they are!